
Glottocode: pamo1253
ISO 639: hih

Also Known As: Hinihon

Sources: Z'graggen (1980)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Madang, Croisilles, Greater Northern Adelbert, Northern Adelbert, Kumil-Tibor, Tibor, Nuclear Tibor



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
146579tearspasik ɛlamZ'graggen (1980)(tear)
144803thatɛinoZ'graggen (1980)that
139436them (pronoun o:3p)0̸-Z'graggen (1980)they (verbal object)
145274thereɛyɛZ'graggen (1980)there
139371they (pronoun d:3p)(manɛ)Z'graggen (1980)3pl. free
140281thighŋgubuZ'graggen (1980)(upper leg)
144772thisonoZ'graggen (1980)this
139906throaturamu genapZ'graggen (1980)throat
140197thumbunɛntZ'graggen (1980)(thumb)
138548thundersɛpɛlak orop-Z'graggen (1980)thundering
142085tobaccokawukZ'graggen (1980)tobacco
146310to batheopɛt is-Z'graggen (1980)(bathe itr)
145543to beikwʌm-Z'graggen (1980)(be)
145544to beikoti-Z'graggen (1980)(be)
144743to be hungryula umo-Z'graggen (1980)hungry
147633to be sickuma-Z'graggen (1980)sick
146372to bite-war-Z'graggen (1980)(bite)
146460to blow (wind)fi okZ'graggen (1980)blow
146461to blow (wind)fi ke-Z'graggen (1980)blow
146811to boilim-Z'graggen (1980)(boil)
146489to breakolo pih-Z'graggen (1980)(break)
146839to burn (intrans.)ikum(os)-Z'graggen (1980)(burn tr.)
146697to buryolub im-Z'graggen (1980)bury
147407to call outfalZ'graggen (1980)call out
146400to carryakim-Z'graggen (1980)carry on back
146430to carry-sʌkil-Z'graggen (1980)carry on sh
146644to chop, cut downikowZ'graggen (1980)chop
145768to comefuwu-Z'graggen (1980)come
147435to cryum-Z'graggen (1980)cry
146611to cutpɛland-Z'graggen (1980)cut (with knife)
145740to dieum(omb)Z'graggen (1980)(die)
146521to digya mundos-Z'graggen (1980)dig
146894to eatonom-Z'graggen (1980)eat
145946to fall (drop rather than topple)owi-Z'graggen (1980)(fall over )
145945to fall (drop rather than topple)oh-Z'graggen (1980)(fall over )
146670to fell treew-Z'graggen (1980)fall (a tree)
146924to fightɛwɛlal-Z'graggen (1980)(fight, hit)
142252to fillun-Z'graggen (1980)fill up (water)
146866to fillun-Z'graggen (1980)fill up (water)
145977to flyfʌwop yowi-Z'graggen (1980)(fly V)
146106to give-us-Z'graggen (1980)(give)
146105to give-is-Z'graggen (1980)(give)
145858to go downɛlam-Z'graggen (1980)go down
145831to go upil-Z'graggen (1980)(go up)
146282to hear-fruk ow-Z'graggen (1980)hear
147106to hold (in hand)apih-Z'graggen (1980)(hold)
146006to jumpwiɛp itiw-Z'graggen (1980)jump
147462to laughiramos-Z'graggen (1980)laugh
138522to lookfaɛk-Z'graggen (1980)(look for)
138521to lookmaŋgolo-Z'graggen (1980)(look for)