
Glottocode: owin1240
ISO 639: owi

Sources: Conrad and Dye (1975) , SIL (1963) , SIL (1963) & SIL (1972)

Classification: Left May



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
233019clawkořunaSIL (1972)
232992cloudbauSIL (1972)
246272cloudmbauSIL (1963)
198483cloudbauConrad and Dye (1975)
246288coconut palmme'láhSIL (1963)
233086crocodilesinapiSIL (1972)
198485crocodilesinapiConrad and Dye (1975)
232972dogbɛřiSIL (1972)
246250dogbɛlɩSIL (1963)
198486dogbɛřiConrad and Dye (1975)
198487earisoConrad and Dye (1975)
246263eari'sóSIL (1963)
232983earis̯oSIL (1972)
198488earth/mudyaConrad and Dye (1975)
233055earth/soilyaSIL (1972)
233084eelbiSIL (1972)
246300eel'tʰámaliSIL (1963)
198490eeltameřiConrad and Dye (1975)
198491eggbeneConrad and Dye (1975)
232998eggmɛřɛfiSIL (1972)
233000eggmɛřɛriSIL (1972)
246278eggpe'danaSIL (1963)
198492elbownʌmukwabuConrad and Dye (1975)
233010elbownəmukwábuSIL (1972)
246242eye'mǒroSIL (1963)
232964eyemořoSIL (1972)
198493eyemořoConrad and Dye (1975)
198500face, foreheadkʌmwameConrad and Dye (1975)
246287fatmbehSIL (1963)
233029fatherbabaSIL (1972)
198494fatherbabaConrad and Dye (1975)
233017featherpařumakudoubtfull??SIL (1972)
233016featherpařimaukdoubtfull??SIL (1972)
198495firesaConrad and Dye (1975)
246260firesahSIL (1963)
232980firesaSIL (1972)
198496fishtaConrad and Dye (1975)
233041fishɔyouSIL (1972)
198497fish spearbakaConrad and Dye (1975)
246296fish spearbag̶aSIL (1963)
233092fivenomukwařiSIL (1972)
233037flying foxbouwuyeiSIL (1972)
233045flying foxbouřuyeiSIL (1972)
198498flying foxfonaiConrad and Dye (1975)
246268footfeitibʌSIL (1963)
233007footfɛtibuSIL (1972)
198499footfeřæConrad and Dye (1975)
233026foreheadkəmwamæSIL (1972)
233025foreheadkəmwameSIL (1972)
233091foursunekámeSIL (1972)