Wurm, SA. 1973. The Kiwaian Language Family. Pp. 217-224. In Franklin, KJ. (Ed). The Linguistic Situation in the Gulf District and Adjacent Area, Papua New Guinea. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
2711Wabodato seeogoromadiro
2712Wabodato swimwoka
2713Wabodato comeoguru
2451Southern Kiwai (Tureture Dialect)to sitomioi
2452Southern Kiwai (Tureture Dialect)to speakarogo
2453Southern Kiwai (Tureture Dialect)to walkarao
953Northeast Kiwai (Urama Dialect)neckgiopu
2924Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)mandubu
2925Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)womanobo
2926Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)I (pronoun d:1s)mo
2927Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)thoulo
2928Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)we incl. (pronoun d:1p, incl)nimo
2929Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)all (of a number)turiyaha
2930Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)headepu
2931Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)hairepu muhu
2932Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)eyeitomai
2933Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)nosemodi
2934Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)earhepa:to
2935Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)tooth (front rather than molar)giri
2936Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)tonguetotobe
2937Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)neckgiɛpu
2938Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)mouthpuʔo
2940Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)breastamo
2941Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)bellynio
2943Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)kneepopu
2944Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)skintama
2945Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)bloodora:
2947Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)bonehoro
2948Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)heartkaukau
2949Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)liverberu
2950Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)sunhimio
2951Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)moonome
2952Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)staroro
2953Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)cloudtumo
2955Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)nightduo
2956Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)waterobo:
2957Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)groundhɛpu
2958Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)stonenoʔoapi
2959Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)sandkamara
2960Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)mountainnoʔoa
2961Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)fireera:
2962Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)smoke (of fire)ahuta
2963Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)ashestuoʔo
2965Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)treenuʔa
2989Northeast Kiwai (Gope Dialect)to standotoʔa