Mikloucho-Maclay: New Guinea Diaries 1871—1883, translated from the Russian with biographical and historical notes by C. L. Sentinella. Kristen Press, Madang, Papua New Guinea.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
196384Bongumaskakalarge wooden mask
196386Bonguornamentbul-ramade from boar tusks
196394Bongumusical instrumentmonki-aimade from coconut shell
196344Bonguknifeshelyupamade from kangaroo bone
196334Bonguknifedonganmade from pig's bone
196332Bonguhousedaremmen's house
196331Bonguhousebuambramramen's house or community house
196341Bonguwindkarognor-nor-west wind
196342Bongutreekengaranut-bearing tree
196336Bonguhouse of man, greetinge-aba"O brother"
196333Bongubark (of tree)dimof a particular tree
196337Bonguhouse of man, greetinge-meme"O father"
196388Bongubraiddiuplaited braid used for tying nd supporting hair
196398Bongumusical instrumentorlan-airattle
196401Bonguochresurured ochre
196340Bonguhairgatessiringlets of hair at the back of the head
196406Bongubeachuleusandy beach
196338Bongucoconutgambashell of coconut, often used as cup
196329Bongudrumbarumsignal drum or split gong
196335Bongubirddumspecies of small fowl-like jungle bird
196349Bongushell, hullyarurused for scraping the flesh
196404Bongustakeudyaused in cultivation
196405Bonguspadeudyasabused to break up soil
196400Bongubraceletroteiworn on the upper arm or lower leg