
Glottocode: kobo1249
ISO 639: kpw

Sources: Davies and Comrie (1985) & Pawley (2013)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Madang, Kalamic-South Adelbert, Kalam-Kobon



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
163565tonguea'ʎampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)tongue
164015to comeau'ampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)to come
163182skinhaɲDavies and Comrie (1985)skin
163540ear'ɾ̥ɨmɨntʰDavies and Comrie (1985)ear
163806treemampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)tree
163993to seenəŋ'ampDavies and Comrie (1985)to see
196434slowlyhaynöPawley (2013)
163157bellyˌhimbə'nampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)belly
163351to standu'raɤʌl mən'dʌϕDavies and Comrie (1985)to stand
163516ashesɾ̥unə'meDavies and Comrie (1985)ashes
163711star'gaβɨDavies and Comrie (1985)star
163781waterɲɩŋkʰDavies and Comrie (1985)water
163879meat (flesh)'juʌDavies and Comrie (1985)meat
163969to giveɲampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)to give
196425blow (on fire)pu g-Pawley (2013)
196433slowlyhaynPawley (2013)
163060mouthˌmanʥ̮əməŋ'ganDavies and Comrie (1985)mouth
163133neckuŋ'amDavies and Comrie (1985)neck
163254birdjaurDavies and Comrie (1985)bird
163326to sit'asɨɤγal mən'dʌϕDavies and Comrie (1985)to sit
163423bigkʰumpʰDavies and Comrie (1985)big
163493smoke (of fire)'handuDavies and Comrie (1985)smoke
163639handɲɩ'maŋgʌDavies and Comrie (1985)hand
163688moon'ɾ̥aɤʌnDavies and Comrie (1985)moon
163734cloud'kʰumiDavies and Comrie (1985)cloud
163757rainmʌŋDavies and Comrie (1985)rain
163830root'kʰɨndɨɺDavies and Comrie (1985)root
163853leafkʰʌϕDavies and Comrie (1985)leaf
163926eggjaur 'maŋgʌDavies and Comrie (1985)egg
163947to eatɲɩŋ'ampDavies and Comrie (1985)to eat
195975axe (stone)ruPawley (2013)
196207sapcilPawley (2013)
196426sore, woundkɨdɨŋöPawley (2013)
196431insect sp.aɫmePawley (2013)
163013hairu'maŋʌDavies and Comrie (1985)hair
163037head'nambət̮ɑDavies and Comrie (1985)head
163085nosemluDavies and Comrie (1985)nose
163109eye'amgʌDavies and Comrie (1985)eye
163206manDavies and Comrie (1985)man
163230womannɩm'bɩDavies and Comrie (1985)woman
163280dogkʰainDavies and Comrie (1985)dog
163304to bitehau'ampʰDavies and Comrie (1985)to bite
163375road/path'andanDavies and Comrie (1985)road
163399stone'kʰambʌDavies and Comrie (1985)stone
163446smallϕroDavies and Comrie (1985)small
163469fireɲʌɬDavies and Comrie (1985)fire
163590tooth (front rather than molar)meŋkʰDavies and Comrie (1985)tooth
163616breastt̮ɕIDavies and Comrie (1985)breast
163663sun'sɩndʌDavies and Comrie (1985)sun
164037lousemanDavies and Comrie (1985)louse