
Glottocode: bimi1240
ISO 639: bhl

Sources: Van Cott and Spencer (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Ok-Oksapmin, Ok, Mountain Ok, Division A Mountain Ok



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
210413hairkonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210414mouthbontemVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210415nosemitumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210416eyekiinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210417neckatakVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210418bellykumunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210419skinkalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210420kneekatinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210421earkenuŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210422tonguefoloŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210423molar/toothkeilVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210424breastnonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210425handteiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210426footyanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210427back (body part)mul kunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210428shoulderkiiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210429foreheadibalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210430elbowkiminVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210431thumbaukVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210432legyanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210433heartimnowVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210434liverwaaŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210435bonekunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210436bloodkaimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210437babyaul beliwVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210438girlwaneŋ aulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210439boykinum aulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210440old womanwaneŋ faselVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210441old mankinum faselVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210442womanwaneŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210443mankinumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210444motheraukVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210445brotherfikVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210446sisteryenVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210447namewiinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210448birdaonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210449dogmaanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210450pigkoŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210451cassowarybiaVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210452wallabywatomVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210453flying foxsiŋamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210454rattelminVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210455frogkolVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210456snakefemkonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210457fishwasatVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210458personkawtiwVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210459bigfianVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210460smallfoŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210461goodkenVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210412headkakVan Cott and Spencer (2010)