
Glottocode: bimi1240
ISO 639: bhl

Sources: Van Cott and Spencer (2010)

Classification: Nuclear Trans New Guinea, Asmat-Awyu-Ok, Awyu-Ok, Ok-Oksapmin, Ok, Mountain Ok, Division A Mountain Ok



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
210252lousekimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210214longtiakimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210185liverwamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210217lightfoŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210183legyanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210248leafkonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210171kneekatinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210219hotmaminVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210216heavyilumVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210184heartibolowVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210163headkakVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210176handteiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210164hairkonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210212goodkenVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210189girlwaneŋ aulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210224fullweneVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210226fullweneVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210206frogkolVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210260fourketket tebenVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210177footyanVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210204flying foxsiŋamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210261fiveketketVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210208fishtakamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210232fireweiŋVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210253featherkalimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210250fattugulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210167eyekiinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210181elbowkiminVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210251eggwinVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210229earth/soilkainVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210172earkalunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210223dry (be dry)tiowVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210200dogmianVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210238cloudyukamVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210255clawsigalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210180chinmaŋatVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210202cassowarybiaVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210196brotherfikVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210175breastnonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210190boykunum aulVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210186bonekunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210187bloodkaimVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210199birdawonVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210210bigfianVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210169bellykumunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210245bark (of tree)kalVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210213bad (deleterious or unsuitable)waVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210178back (body part)mul kunVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210188babyaul beliwVan Cott and Spencer (2010)
210234asheskutewVan Cott and Spencer (2010)