
Glottocode: pina1252
ISO 639: pnn

Sources: Davies and Comrie (1985)

Classification: Piawi



IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
163465fireɲa'bɤDavies and Comrie (1985)fire
163489smoke (of fire)ɲabɤ'mɯDavies and Comrie (1985)smoke
163512ashesˌɲabɤ't͑ɐDavies and Comrie (1985)ashes
163056mouthada'ϕnDavies and Comrie (1985)mouth
164056onea'gəDavies and Comrie (1985)one
163612breasta'huDavies and Comrie (1985)breast
164938good'aɽijeˌdənəDavies and Comrie (1985)good
165142wetˌasə'mɔɯDavies and Comrie (1985)wet
165160fullasə'ɤo 'ɽəβəˌdənəDavies and Comrie (1985)full
164128shouldera'siDavies and Comrie (1985)his shoulder
164336fatherˌat͑i'aDavies and Comrie (1985)his father
165481we excl. plural (pronoun d:1p, excl, plural)'aβiDavies and Comrie (1985)we (pl. excl.)
164880blackbɩ'diβɯDavies and Comrie (1985)black
164602flying foxdə'gəDavies and Comrie (1985)flying fox
163371road/path'diədəDavies and Comrie (1985)road
164624ratdɷ'kʰwəDavies and Comrie (1985)rat
164463cassowary'dowjəDavies and Comrie (1985)cassowary
165313to burn (intrans.)'ɲəba 'dənəDavies and Comrie (1985)it burns
163659sunɽə'maDavies and Comrie (1985)sun
163777waterDavies and Comrie (1985)water
164268bloodga'jaDavies and Comrie (1985)his blood
163395stoneɽɩ'gəDavies and Comrie (1985)stone
164900redgɛ'axaˌdənəDavies and Comrie (1985)red
163419bigɽɩ'gə ma'dɛβɛDavies and Comrie (1985)big
163442smallɽɩ'gə wɐt̮ɕɩ'βɛDavies and Comrie (1985)small
165277to heargʷɔm'dəɽəDavies and Comrie (1985)he hears
163990to seeˌgomə'dɛɽəDavies and Comrie (1985)to see
163707star'gu'huDavies and Comrie (1985)star
164858whiteˌgwa̮i⋅a'xɐDavies and Comrie (1985)white
164748bananahɤ'dɯDavies and Comrie (1985)banana
165033warm/hot'həbə'həbəDavies and Comrie (1985)warm, hot
164197leghə'damə'siDavies and Comrie (1985)his leg
164080twoˌhəgə'naβəma'ɨDavies and Comrie (1985)two
163323to sit'hɛm'dəβəDavies and Comrie (1985)to sit
163129neckhɛ'mɛ⋅dɤydəDavies and Comrie (1985)neck
164729yamhɛ'siDavies and Comrie (1985)yam
165195threehɨxɨ'ɽaɨβɨDavies and Comrie (1985)three
163009hairiˌʥ̮imə'daDavies and Comrie (1985)hair
164034lousei'mɤd̮ʑiDavies and Comrie (1985)louse
165406he, she, it (pronoun d:3s)i'na:Davies and Comrie (1985)he
165427we excl. dual (pronoun d:1p, excl, dual)i'naβaˌdəmDavies and Comrie (1985)we two (excl)
165013cold (weather)i'sihəβəDavies and Comrie (1985)cold
163033headiʥ̮uə'xəDavies and Comrie (1985)head
165107what?ixaj'βɛmDavies and Comrie (1985)what
165347to laughi'xɐmoəɖəˌɽəɽəDavies and Comrie (1985)he laughs
164486houseja'beDavies and Comrie (1985)house
164534mountainja'da̮u.əDavies and Comrie (1985)mountain
164312tailjauˌt͑ɷbu'ϕəDavies and Comrie (1985)tail
163250birdjau'thəDavies and Comrie (1985)bird
164290wingjauˌthə'ϕiDavies and Comrie (1985)wing